42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank



16 Aug 2022

General Procurement Notice

The Kyrgyz Republic has applied for financing in the amount of up to US$ 45 million equivalent from the International Development Association toward the cost of the Central Asia Road Links Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project. More

16 Aug 2022

The Bids for Design, Supply and Installation of DWS equipment is announsed

The Kyrgyz Republichas received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the First Phase of the Central Asia Road Links Program (CARs-1), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments for the procurement of Dynamic Weighing System for Kemin and Sosnovka posts (DWS).

16 Aug 2022

Реабилитация четырех участков автодорог, осуществляемая в рамках инвестиционных проектов, завершена в 2015 году

В строительном сезоне 2015 года министерство завершило реабилитацию двух участков автодороги «Ош-Баткен-Исфана», с 108 по 123 км (Кок-Тала-Пульгон) и с 10 по 28 км (Ноокатский перевал).

16 Aug 2022

Автодорога Бишкек-Нарын-Торугарт, км 479-539/Оценка воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС)

Данный отчет по ОВОС является обновленной версией отчета, размещенного на сайтах АБР и ГРИП МТиК в ноябре 2010. Данный отчет обновлен по результатам исследования «Базовый уровень экологического мониторинга», проведенного в 2011-2013гг. в котловине озера Чатыр-Куль. Указанные исследования проводились по направлениям: орнитология, зоология, флора, гидробиология, почвы, энтомология и экологической мониторинг. По результатам проведенной работы разработана система мониторинга, которая включает целевые показатели и индикаторы воздействия, методы замеров, временные рамки, формирование базы данных, способы анализа и др.

Оценка воздействия на окружающую среду

Приложения 1-6

Приложения 7-9

Приложения 10-12

16 Aug 2022

Central Asia Road Links Project - Kyrgyz Republic/Resettlement Policy Framework

IPIG publishes the final Resettlement Policy Framework prepared for Proposed Central Asia Road Links Project - Kyrgyz Republic. This document contains the principles and procedures for resettlement, if resettlement will necessary.

Within the framework of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, the countries of Central Asia are working together to increase regional transport connectivity by coordinating investments in transport infrastructure and aligning respective policy and regulatory reforms to make the impacts of those investments sustainable. This is to improve the region's competitiveness, reduce poverty and expand trade, both among Central Asian economies, regionally, and globally. CAREC program focuses on investment and other activities along six transport corridors that link north, south, east and west through Central Asia.

Specifically, the Governments of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic approached the World Bank to consider financing for the Osh-Khujand road corridor of which the Osh - Baken - Isfana Road is an integral part.

The proposed Central Asia Road Links program is being prepared as part of a regional program on improvements of priority road links in Central Asia which is expected to have substantial positive impacts on poverty reduction and economic growth, not only because of the high population density along the catchment area of the corridor, but also high poverty rates and related impacts on cohesion and migration.

The proposed Northern Batken link (road km 216 - km 238), the road section between it and the border with Tajikistan (at Kyzyl-Bel/Guliston), and Isfana - Tajik border road section (road km 360 - km 405) are part of the proposed Central Asia Road Links Project. Read the Resettlement Policy Framework
