42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


The Bids for Design, Supply and Installation of DWS equipment is announsed

The Kyrgyz Republichas received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the First Phase of the Central Asia Road Links Program (CARs-1), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments for the procurement of Dynamic Weighing System for Kemin and Sosnovka posts (DWS). Invitation for Bids

The CARs program is a collaborative regional, multi-phase program initiated by governments of Central Asia. The objective of this program is to increase transport connectivity between neighboring countries in Central Asia.

The first phase of the Central Asia Road Links Program (CARs-1) will rehabilitate cross-border road links between Osh and Batken oblasts in the Kyrgyz Republic and Sugd oblast in the Republic of Tajikistan. CARs-1 in the Kyrgyz Republic will focus on the rehabilitation of about 56 kilometers of road sections in Batken oblast along and within close vicinity of the Osh-Batken-Isfana road corridor. Specifically, those road sections include: Isfana - Kairagach/Madaniyat border crossing (36 kilometers), Batken- Tortkul (14 kilometers), and Batken - Kyzyl Bel/Guliston border crossing (6 kilometers).

Another important goal of the CARS-1 project will be the improvement of road operations and maintenance practices.

16 Aug 2022