42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - consulting services aimed at implementation of the RAMS 2


(Consulting services)
Kyrgyz Republic: CAREC Corridor 1 and 3 Connector Road Project,
Phase II - Additional Financing, Loan 3730/Grant 0621

 The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for CAREC Corridor 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Phase II - Additional Financing and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the consulting services aimed at implementation of the RAMS (Road Asset Management System) Phase II. RAMS Phase II aims to sustain the effort made under Phase I through the CAREC Corridor 1 and 3 Connector Road Project by mainstreaming the RAMS in Ministry of Transport and Communication's (MOTC) business practice through (i) collecting additional data, (ii) enhancing the systems and technical documents, (iii) supporting the RAMS Unit and (iv) assisting the Kyrgyz State University on Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUCTA) in introducing a new course on RAMS including training of teachers. MOTC is the Executing Agency for the Project. The RAMS Phase II implementation is expected to take place in the period 2022-2024.

It is planned that the improved RAMS will be used by the MOTCs of the Kyrgyz Republic in the planning of maintenance works starting in 2023.
The MOTC seeks an experienced consulting firm (Consultant) to perform the following:

(i) Procure equipment to strengthen the capacity of Road Management Department (RMD), Production and Innovation Center (PIC) and underlying entities to collect and manage data for the entire road network
(ii) Update data for the paved road network and expand the data collection to include the unpaved road network
(iii) Further develop the database in the Road Information System (RIS) to incorporate the collected data for paved and unpaved roads as well as data for structures
(iv) Further develop the web-based Maintenance Planning System (MPS) to include functionality to present and combine data from the database, and to further improve the planning for paved roads and expand the planning to unpaved roads and other structures
(v) Support MOTC in developing a legal basis for integrating the RAMS into annual planning and budgeting procedures, and prepare an Action Program for further development of the RAMS Phase III
(vi) Support the initial operation of the newly established Asset Management Unit under RMD and provide recommendations for strengthening the institutional structure of RMD, PIC and underlying entities to operate and manage the RAMS
(vii) Identify annual funding needs and suitable funding sources for road maintenance
(viii) Provide capacity building and training to staff of RMD, PIC and underlying entities
(ix) Assist KSUCTA in running a new course on RAMS

MOTC now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services.
Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services as per the Terms of Reference through ADB website at: https://selfservice.adb.org/OA_HTML/adb/xxcrs/jsp/ADBCsrnFwd.jsp?sel=177415
The draft Terms of Reference is available at www.piumotc.kg.

Consultants will be selected based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method in accordance with the ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (March 2013).

Interested consulting firms from ADB's member countries may obtain further information at the address below from 9-00 AM to 6-00 PM (Bishkek time).

Expression of Interest must be sent through the ADB Consultants Management System no later than April 6, 2022.

Below is the address of the Executing Agency for inquiries:

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC KR)
Projects Implementation Group (PIU)
42 Isanov Street, Bishkek City 720017, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel: +996 312 900 970, +996 312 900893
Fax: +996 312 314378
E-mail: procurement.ipig@piumotc.kg; procurement.ipig@gmail.com
Вебсайт: www.piumotc.kg

Terms of Reference

16 Aug 2022