42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES) CAREC Corridors 1&3 Connector Road Project Loan 3432 / Grant 0496



Kyrgyz Republic:

CAREC Corridors 1&3 Connector Road Project

Loan 3432 / Grant 0496

 Assignment Title: Selection of experts to a Team of Consultants for institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic (promoting and implementing of road sector management reform) (Team Leader, Quantity Engineer, Finance and Economics Expert, Lawyer, Road Transport Expert)

Reference No.: CAREC 1&3/CS-IC-RG 1-5-2020

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic received financing from the Asian Development Bank towards the cost of the CAREC Corridors 1&3 Improvement Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic intends to select experts to a team of consultants for promoting and implementing road sector management reform. The following specialist and experts will be engaged:  

  1. Team Leader,

  2. Quantity Engineer,

  3. Finance and Economics Expert,

  4. Lawyer,

  5. Road Transport Expert

The Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic now invites eligible individual Consultants (Consultants) to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information proving the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The Terms of References is available at www.piumotc.kg, www.zakupki.gov.kg, www.donors.kg, www. http://mtd.gov.kg.


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraphs 1.10 and 1.13 of the Guidelines on Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and Its Borrowers March 2013, setting forth the Asian Development Bank’s policy on conflict of interest and eligibility.

Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Qualification method set out in the Guidelines on Use of Consultants. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 17:00.

Interested Consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services as per Terms of Reference through ADB website at: https://selfservice.adb.org/OA_HTML/adb/adbpos/jsp/ADBCMSHomepage.jsp, or must be delivered (in person, or by fax, or by e-mail) to the address below indicating the above mentioned vacancy title before 21:59 October 27,  2020 (local time).

 42 Isanov Street

Ministry of Transport and Roads of Kyrgyz Republic

Investment Projects Implementation Group (IPIG)

Procurement Unit.

Bishkek City 720017, Kyrgyz Republic

Tel: +996 312 900 893; +996 312 900 970;

Fax: +996 312 314378

E-mail: procurement.ipig@piumotc.kgprocurement.ipig@gmail.com.

Website: www.piumotc.kg

The following documents must be submitted to participate in the competition:

- CV (in English and Russian languages);

- Copy of passport (ID-card);

- Copies of documents proving the required professional education, work experience and qualification (copy of employment record, copies of documents on education, on training, on awarded academic degrees and titles), duly certified by notary or by employer`s HR office.

Note: It is important to clearly indicate which position the documents were submitted to.

Only qualified applicants will be invited for interview.

Application – Terms of Reference

16 Aug 2022