42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


Information on contract award for Construction works for CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Phase 2 - Additional Financing

Information on contract award for Construction works for CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project, Phase 2 - Additional Financing

Section 1 Balykchy - Kochkor (km 0 - km 43) and Section 2A Kochkor - Epkin (km 62+400 - km 88+500)


The Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic completed the contractor selection process for Rehabilitation of CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road including a 5-year performance-based contract - Lot 1 Section 1 Balykchy - Kochkor (km 0 - km 43) and Lot 2 Section 2A Kochkor - Epkin (km 62+400 - km 88+500).


The tender for construction works was announced on November 21, 2018. The advertisement was published in the Slovo Kyrgyzstana newspaper, on the official public procurement portal (www.zakupki.gov.kg), on ADB website (www.adb.org), on the website of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic (www.mtd.gov.kg) and on the website of the IPIG of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Kyrgyz Republic (www.piumotc.kg).

The following 7 (seven) companies have submitted their tender proposals by the deadline for submission of tender proposals, January 24, 2019:

  1. JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD – Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD (PRC).
  2. JV Top International Engineering Corporation – SCEGC Mechanized Construction Group., LTD (PRC).
  3. JV China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation – China Railway 19th Bureau Group CO., LTD (PRC).
  4. 4.JV Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation OJSC, Tekar Teknik Arastirma Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Arikan Insaat Taahhut Tisaret Ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi (Azerbaijan and Turkey).
  5. China Road and Bridge Corporation (PRC).
  6. China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co. LTD (PRC).
  7. Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd (PRC).

During the evaluation of technical proposals, the bids of the following participants were found not to be in compliance with the requirements of the bidding documents and were rejected.

Name of Bidder / Наименование участника

Reason for rejection


JV China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation – China Railway 19th Bureau Group CO., LTD (PRC)

BS (bid security) was in an incorrect form. In addition, the Bidder failed to submit the required documents upon the request.


JV Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation OJSC, Tekar Teknik Arastirma Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Arikan Insaat Taahhut Tisaret Ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi (Azerbaijan and Turkey)

One of the partners (ARKAN) of the Bidder`s JV does not meet the financial qualification criteria in terms of the availability of appropriate financial resources.


ADB approved the Evaluation Report of Technical Proposals on March 19, 2019.  

The financial proposals of the following bidders were opened on April 08, 2019.

No. / №

Name of Bidder / Наименование участника

Bid Price / Цена предложения

Currency / Валюта

LOT 1 / Лот 1

LOT 2 / Лот 2


JV Top International Engineering

Corporation – SCEGC Mechanized

34 752 937,38

25 631 482,41

USD / Доллар США


JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD –

Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD

22 651 343,16

17 537 322,27

USD / Доллар США


China Road and Bridge Corporation

24 307 641,08

17 578 722,61

USD / Доллар США


China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co. LTD

29 829 452,52

26 587 760,46

USD / Доллар США


Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd

27 836 894,03

22 172 455,31

USD / Доллар США


As a result of technical and financial evaluation, the company that offered the lowest price and met the requirements of bidding documents was recognized

for Lot 1 - JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD - Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD

(PRC) with a value of USD 22,671,896.26;

for Lot 2 - JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD - Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD

(PRC) with a value of USD 17,537,958.57.


Based on which the following contracts were concluded with JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD - Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD (PRC) on February 14, 2020:

For Lot 1 - JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD - Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD

(PRC) with a value of USD 22,671,896.26. The contract duration is 2 years (730 days) + 5 years of performance-based maintenance period;

For Lot 2 - JV Sinohydro Corporation LTD - Power China Road Bridge Group Co, LTD

(PRC) with a value of USD 17,537,958.57. The contract duration is 2 years (730 days) + 5 years of performance-based maintenance period.


16 Aug 2022