42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


Vacancy Announcement:Office Manager / Translator

The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic received financing from the Asian
Development Bank towards the cost of the CAREC corridors CAREC1&CAREC3 and intends
to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
Investment Projects Implementation Group of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of
the Kyrgyz Republic needs Office Manager/Translator. The key objective of the assignment is to
assist IPIG in implementation of the CAREC 1 and 3 Connector Road Project and other projects
implemented by the IPIG.
Investment Projects Implementation Group of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of
the Kyrgyz Republic now invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the
Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the
required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


Attachment: Terms of Reference 

16 Aug 2022