42, Isanov str., 720017, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Project Implementation Unit of the Asian Development Bank


Information on contract award for CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project — Section Epkin – Dyikan (Bashkuugandy) (km 89.5 - km 159.2)

Information on contract award for CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project — Section Epkin – Dyikan (Bashkuugandy) (km 89.5 - km 159.2)

The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic has selected a contractor for road construction and rehabilitation works under the CAREC Corridors 1 and 3 Connector Road Project — Section Epkin – Dyikan (Bashkuugandy) (km 89.5 - km 159.2), Contract - CAREC/C1&3/ICB/CW3.

 The following 5 bidders submitted bids by the deadline which was 3:00 pm May 12, 2021:

  1. China Railway #5 Engineering Group Co. Ltd, China
  2. China Road and Bridge Corporation, China
  3. Xuzhou Highway Engineering Corporation, China
  4. Sanmenxia City Changtong Road and Bridge Construction Co. Ltd., China
  5. JV Evrascon & Terra Group, Azerbaijan

During the evaluation the technical proposals of the following bidders were rejected as non-responsive.



Company and country

Reason for rejection


Sanmenxia City Changtong Road and Bridge Construction Co. Ltd. (China)

Non-compliance with the requirement for the average annual construction turnover


JV Evrascon & Terra Group (Azerbaijan)

The bidder did not provide bank security to ensure the bid.


The financial proposals of the following responsive bidders were open on July 7, 2021.





Bid price (USD)

Bid price after correction of arithmetical errors including proposed discounts (USD)


China Railway No.5 Engineering Group


39 100 000,00

39 100 002,18


China Road and Bridge Corporation


44 883 234,75

44 883 234,75


Xuzhou Highway Engineering Corporation


56 532 817,00

56 532 817,00

According to the technical and financial evaluation of bids the China Railway No.5 Engineering Group was found responsive least cost bidder with the bid price offered at 39,100,002.18 US dollars with which the contract was signed on September 23, 2021, with the offered bid price at 39,100,002.18 US dollars. The contract duration is 2.5 years (30 months / 900 days).